Thursday, April 1, 2010

God is Love, and this divine Love guides, guards, and governs all.

We should all examine our understanding of God.  Too often we have only the dimly remembered lessons we were taught as children or dogmatic declarations we have heard so often that we may think they are true.  The truth of such lessons depends on the true spirituality of the teacher, and the validity of those dogmas likewise hinges on whether they were truly based on God's eternal, spiritual Truth.  It is so sad to hear obviously intelligent, caring men and women declare themselves agnostics or atheists in a world where a belief in God could be such a comfort.  Each time I hear such declarations I want to reach out to the individual and share the healing reality of Love.  How many agnostics or atheists would deny that they believe in Love?  How many could deny the sanctity of Life?  How many would turn from the power of Mind?  Or doubt the powerful realities of Truth, Spirit, Soul, and Principle?
Too often those who declare for atheism cite their inability to believe in a God who allows wars, famine, disaster, disease, etc.  They simply cannot square their early teachings and the dogmatic views of those who mistakenly say they believe in God with a world seemingly filled with sin, disease, and death - a world where their misinformed sense makes God seem either powerless or uncaring.  Looking at all the evil that seems to exist around us today and considering the foolish, anthropomorphic images popular religion foists upon simple seekers for God, doubt or even disbelief seems pretty reasonable.
But thankfully, throughout history there have been wise teachers who have maintained faith in the true God, eternal Love.  The Bible is filled with verses declaring that "God is Love."  Love is not a manlike, limited entity.  Love is universal, everlasting, omnipresent, omniscient, as well as omniactive and omnipotent.  Throughout the ages, the truly wise among us have known this and kept this vision alive for us to find.
So how then, you may ask, if God, Love, is omnipotent and omniactive, can evil, sin, disease, death, war, hate, etc. seem to be so prevalent in the world around us?  Your ability humanly to accept the true answer depends upon faith, trust, and prayerful revelation, but it is actually also supported by, of all things, the science of modern physics.
You see, the answer is that all the evil, sin, disease, and death we see around us is pure illusion - it is completely unreal with no basis in fact. Physicists have long realized and taught the ultimate insubstantiality of what we humans call matter - atoms, molecules, rocks, trees, human beings, the whole nine yards - just doesn't exist as we think we know it to exist.  And if matter doesn't exist, then neither do mortal bodies or earthquakes or tidal waves or any of the myriad manifestations of material evil that claim to be real when they're not.  Hear the explicit words Christ Jesus had for the devil, the embodiment of evil: "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44)  
If we can begin to realize the unreality of evil, even while it shouts loudly to claim its presence and power in our lives, we can begin to glimpse the true, spiritual universe where God is Love, and there truly is no sin, disease, or death.  The miracles of Jesus, his apostles, and other wise teachers from Biblical times through today, happened because these healings were simply visible manifestation of their ability to see through the illusion of material pain and suffering and show us the underlying spiritual perfection of the universe.  Jesus insisted that his followers should heal as he did because he taught them to see spiritual reality as he saw it.  Divine Mind revealed to the Master the Truth of spiritual being, perfect good, everlasting life, and his true life's purpose was not to serve as a pagan blood sacrifice intended to pacify a vengeful god but to teach all who would listen to his words and understand his meanings throughout all time the eternal Truth of the God we know as divine Love.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, do not give up on God.  Do not miss the revelation of spiritual being that so many have worked and suffered to keep alive for you.  Begin to think of God as Love.  Begin to realize the infinite spiritual nature of all reality including your being, your life, and the lives of all those around you.  When you call on God, do not beg for blessings as you might to a capricious parent who may not listen or care. Instead, let your prayer be an affirmation of the presence, the reality, the power, and the protection of infinite Love all around you.  Let go, and let God - the true God, divine Love.  Amen.

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