Monday, April 5, 2010

Never fear

Throughout the Bible from Moses to Jesus, one of the most common recurring phrases is: "Fear not."  There are different versions, but the message is always one of comfort and support, letting us know that God is at hand to save and heal.
So what are we to think when confronted with threatening conditions?  Obviously, the most effective method would be to stay so uplifted in our thoughts that we prevent the threat from ever occurring.  But in times of stress when we let ourselves forget our true identity and mortality comes knocking, there is a secret place we can go.  We can quietly and insistently declare in our thoughts that we are truly spiritual ideas living in Love's kingdom of heaven - right here, right now.  We can let go of the urge to react to error and instead turn wholeheartedly to Truth and Love.  As we grow in grace, uplifting our understanding so we begin to feel divine Mind guiding, guarding, and governing us every step of the way, first, we will be spared from evil's entry into our lives, and second, even if evil seems to be present, we will be able to trust Almighty God, perfect Life, to overrule any claims of harm that evil might try to fool us into believing.  Growing in grace is growing in trust that grace is ever-present to save.  Holding the Truth that life is eternal close to our hearts, we can quickly respond to threats, knowing that they can never destroy our eternal life in God.  And if we know that even death cannot touch us, other, lesser threats will seem even less ominous.
So face each moment with a calm, strong trust that you are held in the everlasting arms of Love.  Love never drops you or leaves you.  Love protects every hair on your head and turns to dust any error that tries to enter your life.  Let go, and let God!  Fear not!

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