Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Spiritual and the material

In her revelatory work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy wrote: "straight line finds no abiding-place in a curve, and a curve finds no adjustment to a straight line. Similarly, matter has no place in Spirit, and Spirit has no place in matter. Truth has no home in error, and error has no foothold in Truth." (S&H 282: 14-16)
Math often serves as a useful translator between the two polar opposite worlds of spirit and matter.  We all appreciate the concept of the number 5 as an inantimate idea, but we deal with that number in the real world as a concrete identity.  So too the analogy of spirit as a curve or sphere while matter is compared to a straight line segment gives a sense of the vast and unbridgeable gap between the two.
And if Spirit and matter are irreconcilably separate, then shouldn't we begin to examine our lives on the basis of where our focus is held?  How many years, decades, yea, centuries have men endlessly struggled over material possesions, conditions, even sematics?  But if the true reality of the universe is in divine Spirit, then all these struggles are completely senseless and useless.
Take the current stuggle mankind faces over sexuality and marriage.  True, the Bible does instruct that men should "Be fruitful and multiply." (Gen 1:22)  But in another passage, that same Bible says , "But they which shall be accounted worthy . . . neither marry, nor are given in marriage."  (Luke 20:35).  The deeper Truth is that neither sexuality nor mortal marriage are spiritual.  They are, like all material things, part of that straight line universe wherein the heavenly kingdom of Love has no abiding place.  And yet just as mortals have done for milennia, men stand ready to torture and kill one another to prove some completely inconsequential point made by dogmatic, counterfeit, self-ordained religion.  Hear the crystal clear words of Christ Jesus: "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
So, where does human sexuality fit into this command to spiritualize our lives?  It could be argued  that sexuality by its material nature is not spiritual and thus not truly a part of Love's heavenly kingdom.  Does that mean the we should eliminate sexuality from our thoughta and our lives?  Well, acutally, at some point in our spiritual evolution away from matter, that should be a natural progression.  Should we force a premature denial of human nature by strength of will?  The ongoing troubles seen in the Catholic priesthood and among sex offenders in society seem to indicate that forced denial humanly leads to repression and eventually unhealthy expression.  Perhaps the wisest approach is to understand human sexuality for what it truly is - a deeply felt part of human expression of selfhood, not completely understood or understandable, but something that must be accepted for at least a little while longer.  
And if it is conceded that this sexuality can never be a true part of man's perfect spiritual being, then what good can we ascribe to it?  Certainly deep human love and the bonding which occurs between two loving individuals has value.  A beautiful sunset is not spiritual, but it can certainly lift up our thoughts and thus our lives .  In like manner so do human sexual bonds within committed loving relatiohships, specifically, marriage.  The key point that needs to be understood spiritually is whether loving human relationships should be limited or judged by a mortal code.  Insofar as moral codes are temporal and mortal, it seems more in live with the God who is Love to err on the side of honoring love and commitment over human rules and constructs.  Any rational human being who has witnessed the deep and abidig love between a couple, be they heterosexual or homosexual, must realize that such emotional bonding cannot be coerced or forced.  Who would choose the stigma most of the world assigns to LGBTQ men and women unless they were obeying an imperative inner voice from their indwelling soul?  And if one is truly obeying such a voice, how can we possibly declare that such love cannot be allowed in our society or our churches?  I believe the appropriate quote from Jesus Christ would be, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged."(Luke 6:37) 
The time has come for all loving people, of all religions (or no even no religion), to try harder to remember their true spiritual identity and cease from all effots to believe in or construct reality from mortality and human imagination.  As expressions of a divine Creator, perfect Mind, we are always able to hear the voice of Truth when we listen.  We should all be striving daily to uplift our thoughts and thus our lives to Spirit.  And we should honor God as Love by extending our love to all our brothers and sisters wherever they are on their individual journeys spiritward.  Rather than cast stones or hurt our brothers and sisters, we should realize that no mortal, material construct, even marriage, is spiritual.  And we should extend to   all our fellow beings the respect and love that allows them to live their lives as they feel led by the divine Creator.  As long as we do not hinder our brothers and sisters, and we try keep our thoughts uplifted, we never need to fear that Almighty God will direct our paths and lead us safely home.  Blessings to all my brothers and sisters.  Amen.

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